Theme for 2004:
Using and Expanding Precipitation Knowledge to Manage Risk
University of California, Davis
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Special Recognition Award
The 2004 Special Recognition Award was presented to J. Owen Rhea, Ph.D.. See the award language and some biographical information on the Symposium's J. Owen Rhea award page.
Speaker Presentations
Translating Forecast Uncertainty into Information for Emergency Management under Folsom Reservoir Flood Operations
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This paper summarizes the capabilities and range of applications for a Decision Support System for real time flood operation and associated planning activities for the Folsom Project in California. Under an off-line Planning Mode, the Reservoir Release Forecast Model (RRFM) is being used to test alternatives operating rules. A real-time Operational Mode of the RRFM is operated by the USBR's Central Valley Operations Office in conjunction with the SS-SAC hydrologic model, which is operated by the NWS California-Nevada River Forecast Center. The RRFM will make possible the risk-based operation of the Folsom Project, as authorized by the Water Resources Development Act of 1999, through consideration of uncertainty in inflow forecasts to increase the level of flood protection provided in Sacramento.
The RRFM has many applications in addition to developing and testing operating rule changes, including possible pre-release strategies, and as a tool for real time flood operation. These include operator training, emergency management table top exercises, and for assisting downstream emergency managers in developing protocols for using RRFM release forecasts to improve emergency planning.
Effect of Mixed Populations on Extreme Flood Flow Estimates
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[Abstract not available]
Recent Updates to NOAA/NWS Precipitation Frequency Estimates
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The rainfall frequency atlases and technical papers published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS) serve as de-facto national standards for rainfall intensity at specified frequencies and durations in the United States. The NWS has updated the standards for the semiarid southwest and is working on updates for Ohio River basin and surrounding states, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center, located within the NWS Office of Hydrologic Development, is responsible for the updates and its work is funded by contributions from other Federal, State and local agencies. This paper provides an overview of the recent updates and the technology and data improvements used including: use of significantly longer data records emphasizing data quality control and consistency, use of the regional L-moments analysis technique, a spatial interpolation-based mapping procedure using a statistical-geographic approach, and web-based delivery of the final product. Discussion of new temporal distributions and areal reduction factors is included.
Modeling Runoff Response to Global Climatic Change in the Sierra Nevada
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An overview of "The Influence of Climatic Change on Watershed Yield for the West Slope Sierra Nevada, California", a study to provide a practical procedure for evaluating the influence of climatic change on watershed yield for the west slope Sierra Nevada.
Scientific Development in Support of Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Services (AHPS)
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[Abstract not available]
NOAA's Hydrometeorological Testbed: Lessons from the Russian River During HMT-2004 and Plans for the Future
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[Abstract not available]
PRISM: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Mapping Precipitation in Complex Regions
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[Abstract not available]
Using PRISM Climate Grids and GIS for Extreme Precipitation Mapping
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[Abstract not available]
2004 Sponsors
- Center for Integrated Watershed Science and Management
University of California, Davis - Floodplain Management Association
- Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
- Sierra College Natural History Museum