Speaker Presentations: Proceedings Index by Year

Following is a list of the theme for each year the Symposium has been held. Click on the link in the "Presentations" column to see abstracts and download papers, slides, or audio/video media.

Year Theme Presentations
2024 Anticipating and Planning for California Floods - Past and Future Slides and audio
2023 Water Management Options for Adapting to California Droughts and Floods Slides and audio
2022 Historic American River Floods and New Tools for Managing Future Extremes Slides and audio
2021 Exploring Floods in California's Central Valley from a Climate Perspective Slides, audio, and video
2020 Connecting Rain-on-Snow Events, Atmospheric Rivers, and Floods Slides, audio, and video
2019 The Impacts of Global Warming on California — A 30-Year Retrospective and Future Projections Slides and audio
2018 Paleoclimate Insights for Planning Future Natural Resources in California Slides and audio
2017 2017 Water Year: What Happened and Historical Context Slides and audio
2016 Future Directions of Weather Forecasting and Reservoir Operations Slides and audio
2015 Navigating Central Valley Flood Risks with Climate Change Slides and audio
2014 Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation in Mountainous Watersheds Slides and audio
2013 Improving Precipitation and Runoff Forecasts and Implications for Reservoir Operations Slides and audio
2012 The 1861-1862 Floods: Informing Decisions 150 Years Later Slides and audio
2011 Analyzing, Forecasting, and Managing Floods Slides and audio
2010 ARkStorm: Examining a Potential California Flood Disaster Slides and audio
2009 Droughts and Floods — Past and Future Slides and audio
2008 Estimating and Forecasting Extreme Floods Slides, audio, and video
2007 Estimating Extreme Floods in California's Central Valley Slides, audio, and video
2006 Forecasting Advances Since the 1986 Flood Slides, audio, and video
2005 Precipitation and Flood Forecasting in the American River Basin Slides
2004 Using and Expanding Precipitation Knowledge to Manage Risk Slides
2003 Forecasting Extreme Precipitation in the Sierra Nevada and Implications for the American River Watershed Slides
2002 Understanding and Responding to California Precipitation Patterns Slides
2001 Using Precipitation and Pineapple Express Forecasts to Operate Folsom Dam and Reservoir Slides
2000 [Symposium not held in 2000] [N/A]
1999 Meteorology in California in 1999 Papers
1998 Predicting California Precipitation and Floods Papers
1997 Precipitation and Flooding of 1997 Papers
1996 A Prehistoric Look at California Rainfall and Floods Papers
1995 1995 Floods — What Happened and Why Papers
1994 Predicting Heavy Rainfall Events in California: A Symposium to Share Weather Pattern Knowledge Papers